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Now he can go to investigate, although Tang Feng woke up ,but it is not the end .By Tang Feng fainted said before .This more than a month of investigation has let him find a lot of things .
relationresultBai Hongbelieved that soon he can be found in some of the key things .Now he sent the next action .relationresultThe 426th chapter stayed !relationresultIt . Tang Feng said with a smile ,look outside, Tang Feng asked , yes ,the dream of good ,what time is it now ? , relationresultAt one point more, how ? Wang Mengjia said .
relationresultAh ,I slept so long . Tang Feng turned and looked out of the window, he also thought oneself only sleep will do .Did not think of is over several hours .relationresultThe kingMengjia suddenly said , this is for a long time ,the doctor said you need more rest ,you also tired ,if not comfortable words and then continue to sleep .
Now in her eyes, Tang Feng body is the most important ,as for the other ,it is a minor .relationresultSeeing Wang Mengjialike that ,Tang Feng suddenly laughed : you this is to me as a pig .
I have enough sleep . , relationresultTo hear Tang Fengsay ,Wang Mengjia immediately pouted ,but that might be because white hung in reason ,she didn fight back , well ,if you feel tired ,don try .
I went to have a look the next room rain Xin Jie and Leong sister doing . , relationresultThen,Wang Mengjia will leave the room .Wang Mengjia knew Tang Feng and white he .relationresultWang Mengjia left the room,the white he smiled , you gonna do? , relationresultWhat do you do? Tang Feng suddenly asked .
relationresultGive me a fool ,who now knows about you and the girl thing ,and you never thought to how to deal with this matter ? Bai Hong smile face looked at Tang Feng and said: they seem to you are true ,cheap beats by dre.
Estimation of now you both mom and Dad were like this . , relationresultTangFengbai white hung at a glance ,lifestyles ,he is now the things your headache .He thought this would die ,I die .
Where he will think they will die ,but besides Luo Xiaoying, other three people came to the hospital .relationresultBut look at the current situation,appear than he imagined situation a little better ,at least he seems no big problem .
Down peak is most worried about Wang Mengjia ,but he knows that Wang Mengjia likes to send some unhappy things in my heart ,although since he wake up later ,Wang Mengjia seems to be t ng ì Ji normal ,but his heart there is always a great feeling .
relationresultBut nowhe has no chance to say this thing ,and he didn know how to put this thing .Think of this matter ,he has a headache, heard that Wang Guowei and Li Meiling are from Nanjing state came to see him ,don two of them have not know this matter .
If they know the words, then after going back there by .relationresultAnyway,Tang Feng is the idea more .relationresultSeeing Tang Fenglike this ,white hung smiling more wins, now know headache ah ,do when there is no think of this day .
If I had known it coulda woulda shoulda . Bai Hong looked at Tang Feng and said , but to tell you the truth ,I was t ng ì Ji admire you ,Yu Xin and small Ru so good how will also see you this time .
They two will face looks ,to cause to have a career, money money, took a fancy to you little brat ,www.monsters-ol.com,is really difficult , relationresultOld man ,you today is the end of it ,or to take pleasure in other people ? Tang Feng looked at Bai Hongna smile was very upset , I is this thing headache .
Oh ,right, before three of them did happen ?Particularly good dream has no abnormal performance ? , relationresultIt seems not, three of them have been very normal ah ,I said this was strange, Yu Xin and small Ru even, good dream actually seems to pretend not to know this thing .
Speak of this thing ,he was also a little white wonder , but you and the dream of good talk, before they are worrying about your problem no time ,or no mind to think these things .
Now you ,it cannot have been so foolish ?Can you play the fool ,but your parents can know all the . , relationresultTang Fengnodded ,things at this stage, he isn likely to escape, it could no longer continue to play the fool .
So not only can not solve the problem ,but may also hurt Wang Mengjia .relationresultNow don summer ,later ,clock king Qin Wei they all right ? Tang Feng now do not want to mention this matter ,he has a lot of things to do ,some things not done ,he felt very uncomfortable ,even sleep slept fitfully .
relationresultAnyway,the mysterious organization has become a huge pimple in his heart .Will not get rid of this knot ,he always felt very uncomfortable .relationresultSummer bell and Wang Qinwei two people seriously injured ,but now no longer .
But if you want to restore the original look like that ,I need a very long time ,conservatively estimated to a year .Li Tie and the situation worse ,may not stay in line ,a bullet through his left hand joints ,although can be cured ,but it is a good treatment ,still influential ,beats by dre cheap,he wounded after dark edge ,will be transferred to other departments .
In fact, if not to perform the task, the hand to the ordinary life or no impact . , relationresultHere his face there is a not bad .He is in the Li Tie situation feeling of bear, he is very clear this result for a dark blade member against much .
You know, through the dark edge examination is very difficult ,from a powerful army of talent showing itself ,and then undergo countless hardships and tests ,and finally to be brutal and inhuman training experience ,finally through the dark blade member examination ,but is such a task, he will never be again to perform the task .
relationresultHe understandsthat Li Tie knows the news .relationresultIn thebear at the same time, he also felt very bad ,after all, choose such a talent is not easy .relationresultThis timehe also thought of Tang white peak ,but for Tang Feng ,to now, he has been very satisfied ,there is nothing better than to live better .
relationresultDo not say firstTang Feng can not be restored ,even Tang Feng to recover ,he also does not want to continue to stay in the dark edge of Tang Feng Tang Feng ,for he did not like the ordinary soldier .

