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, Probably this calls what person play what bird!
"Let we heel he the method of Dou Dou, since the somebody else likes to play Yin, our of course not can lose the person at having fun, know, our Si reaches the parental precepts of gram, always is all tooth for a tooth, see eye to eye!Is alas!Good pain!"
Ex- a second Xu that still walks on air, next suddenly at Han Luo a record the painful shot of knocking the forehead under, the alas gosh screams madly.
Han Luo snorts and stares in anger a Jing way:"When parental precepts in our house in have this, how don't I know?"
Wanted to think, Han Luo again suddenly way:"However consider by me now under, write into this also quite good!"
Say, Han Luo suddenly becomes overdo and toward an imperial concubine friendship ambiguity of say:"The friendship of the imperial concubine remembers to come!"
The imperial concubine is graceful to is one Leng first, immediately Qiao face Tu red way:"Alas!Grandpa is this what mean?"
The water demon king roars with laughter a way in a side:"All F through call grandpa, still just does that ask what mean?"
Imperial concubine's friendship cans not help a staring, today this how many old men's houses how all is the fascination so good?Imitate a Buddha by himself/herself is exclusively send to come to make the somebody else shameful.
And if is common and then have a little for old not the blood monster of emperor also even if, it happened that shameful her is a serious 800 Han Luoses and water demon king in normal times, also positive as it does, the imperial concubine is graceful and just feel more the face almost don't disgrace on the a burst of and irritable of run away.
However, the imperial concubine is finally graceful still red the face sit at first, still rational won an abashed idea, anyway she and relation everyone of second 芠 know, is all person whom the Si reaches to a gram of house sooner or later, just be definitely meant now and F, also no big deal.But although is to comfort so oneself, imperial concubine friendship but also can not help angry rise the second 芠 that flew to walk, oneself not only substituted his load the island in one whole day, still let a few elder generations open to brush now, this debt wants to beg for back sooner or later.
Still really thought of what come right away what!
When the imperial concubine is graceful and abashed to annoy again, second 芠 don't know to when come back, pushed away the door of den to walk to come in, also feel suspicious of ask a way:"How?Everyone how look so happy?"
In addition to the imperial concubine was graceful to angrily stare second 芠 of one eye was covered up by the abashed Nu to see the joy that the second 芠 comes back outside, the others all happily and repeatedly yell the name of second 芠 !
"Two elder brothers, three elder brothers!"
Although noticed imperial concubine, Ya Qiao, to blush to redly stare his/her own one eye,immediately be seen second Xu, second if of the joy excel all the rest, second 芠 excitement of come over here, two words don't say of with stand up of second Xu and second if embrace together, excitement of call, and second China also follows the row or column of joining the embrace.
The blood monster of one side emperor a little bit envies of toward Han Luo to say:"I say an old younger brother!See your family reunited, in addition to substitute you happy outside, frankly speaking, I still really a little bit envy a heel jealousy!The happiness of family reunion is indeed as expected the most beautiful the human life feelings!"
Four matchless and outstanding grandsons hoping to embrace together, Han Luo also cans not helps a pair of eyes tiny smoothly order.
Was very not easy to pipe down from the excitement that the brothers had a reunion, second 芠 brothers 4 people sitting down of cent head, the second 芠 sits to the imperial concubine graceful flank, just greet his, but is imperial concubine's friendship to smile excessive sweet smiling face, and painful arrive nothing doing poison Long Zuan .(choke meat)
Canthus fast- taking out second 芠 , have a little to puzzlingly hope an imperial concubine the friendship that makes he suddenly feel have a little tremble with fear sweet smiling face.
Natural this kind of small action is to deceive however is public in building, immediately public can not help uproar of laughter in the audience and get up.
But second 芠 can secretly complain of hard lot of hear imperial concubine graceful low thin voice, under the dissimulation of public cachinnation voice, drill into oneself the ear:"Good ah!Say what calmness for a while, result a run all day long,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift, you run to go out by yourself free and unfettered even if, let the somebody else worried about you outside, also make the grandpa laugh at, late order again with you calculate!"
Once in a very long while, it is public to wipe out break into laughter come of tears after, finally the whole memberses arrive together of start aiming at recent affairs scheme, there is also that backstage manipulator to should of research, certainly previously, be still from the second Xu repeated once the words said by him just.
Wait until after second Xu finish saying, the second 芠 agrees of order a way:"Is the whole according to two elder brothers what you say, let's first aim at with all strength how to become currently these ancient Huan monster eggs to make great effort for the target of actual war capability!"
"As for other parts, trouble two elder brothers, you gave a lot of care, you also knew, this aspect I combine to be not good at long,http://www.headphonest.com, need the time of my strength, two elder brothers then saying with me is a good!"
The words that hear second 芠 , second China of the one side hurriedly interrupts a way:"Second 芠 !Now that your affair is so many, you do at once, need to deal with this backstage manipulator's part with the force, you trust to hand over to eldest brother like, believe to should enough cope with by my strength, you need not bothered!"
"More importantly don't rob business with eldest brother, after all the eldest brother is also literally sent a little soldier to intimidate a lane in the past by the somebody else, so also really figure out to give vent to anger BE!"
One mouthful the idea that reveals second China, second if laughing at of strange voice strange spirit Kia China, second China, who ask for, is unbearable of stared his one eye.
Second 芠 lightly on smiling, once flowed out one warm current in the heart, he knows he's three elder brothers, is trying to help themselveses with their ways!
The second 芠 is tiny to shake a way:"Eldest brother, two elder brothers, three elder brothers, in fact you need not be worried about me, my a person thought a lot and no longer put this matter in the mind today.
"After all now our purpose, lie in the havings that links our mainland and even is in other mainlands to living to work properly,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday, come to deal with those outside star monsters that save malice to our mankind together, therefore I can't mind this kind of small matter.
"How to say again, these people don't care how they use scheming, one weather of end once arriving that, believe that they will also know to reply nest under don't finish egg, regardless they be willing to with Be not willing to, all want to contribute all strength of savingses, otherwise they are equally difficult to escape dead end.
"So I want to open now, even if is as hostile as we, even if the other party is good at trick again how?They are more strong, more beneficial to our mankind when the time comes!"
Heard the words of second 芠 , public can not help a burst of contemplate, a long time, the second Xu has to sigh to smile:"Admire!I still kept underrating your intelligence of second 芠 and mind, I will from the healthy and strong ego, fight the partial angle of hostile influence thought and wanted to come to really is too narrow now, on the contrary have no from all the big angle of mankind's alive or dead once thought.
"Hostile influence again how?Till the last at mankind the juncture of the life and death alive or dead, not just and equally need to be lifted a hand to, make not and very when the time comes, we will the very anxious to world over had better have a greatly help to conceal of does the strong influence rush out!"
"Second 芠 !Two elder brothers really have to admire your intelligence is as incomparable as the comprehensiveness of mind, no wonder that you will be too started choose for the mankind of represent!"
Hope light smiling face of second 芠 face, the water demon king can not help sighing a way as well:"BE ah!Heel those monster Dou greater half generation son, we these know to be devoted to develop our own influence, the dream one day can exterminate those monsters, be have never thoughted of second 芠 what you say.
"Before mankind's crisis of the life and death alive or dead, what old grudge the antagonisms are all false, not united together, again how come to resist those compare our mankind is strong up 100 up to thousand of enemy?
"Funny BE, we these old guys still mean to say to make you be subjected to some frustrate and like this contribute to you in the future command us to resist those outside star monsters, so make a decision to make you face those schemings.
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