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Saying will pull a leaf Hao the sky go toward in walk.
On putting a hand, leaf's Hao's sky's way:"You hide first and treat me to stay to see here."2 people eyes dew panic, the in the mind thinks that this county makes only afraid was crazy.The circumstance is urgent, can not explain, have to take to the heels and then run at this time.
Leaf Hao the sky see unmanned on all sides and take out a mask to take up, Shi Shi however come out county Ya.Just came out to at the right moment see a Japanese invaders rob a product from door to door.A Wo person's right hand lifts knife, just at crazy call what, an old the man be split to make two halfs on the ground, the bowel son flowed 1 ground.Still several individuals are rounding one inside year women pull and push, the tone is mean, the clothes of women have already been drawn back a half.
Leaf Hao the sky is burning with anger, count one Zhang outside the Zhang to press, several individuals immediately pour on the ground, whole body spasm, the nose blood keeps emitting, the eye sees is not become.The guy that lifts knife is probably a head of group among them, blare at this time strange call, in a short while the effort meets together to 3410 people, leaf Hao the sky Be round and round to surround.Lift in person's mouth of knife and come out not smooth a Chinese language way:"Your what person?"
Leaf the Hao Nu in the sky drinks a way:"You is what person, dare to get to my China to burn to kill to take captive up the country, came today need not walked!"
Several people ha ha smile to round to come over, suddenly 56 people raised long knife at the same time.Leaf's Hao anger inside the heart in the sky hates and nowise shows consideration, double Zhang together, a burst of strong breeze blows fly a sand to walk stone, breeze later on the owners all pour on the ground and have already stretched several bottom legs to die.The person who only leads the way seems to be still to have an one breath.By this time just hear a weapon the inside Pa pulling on the ground.
Leaf Hao the sky return to county Ya, dismantle a mask and threaten:"Oh, outside how have no action, everyone goes out and sees!"Shout quite a few voice, just have Wang Ji from the cellar in explore successful in career, the your book courage saw one eye at the door and lay one big slice of corpse on the viewpoint, temporarily stunned speechless.Distance quietness of, see bearers all death ray, there is no another Wo person at.He loudly shouts:"Everyone comes out to see,http://www.headphonest.com, thunderclap in the sky splits, all of the Wo person died!"
Everyone's son slowly walks out to inspect and catches a sudden way to Zheng Long:"Adult, there is still here live one!"
Leaf the Hao order way in the sky:"The Bang gets up a careful ask!It is very good-looking to order, don't make him die."
Zheng Long takes out a rope that person 32 come down one five flowers greatly bind, this all alone pour pretty numb benefit.
Everyone is foolish to foolishly looking at a leaf Hao sky, didn't know to exactly take place what matter.Leaf Hao the sky say:"I just sew in the door in watch, see one receive a noodles' person from the distance and wink of killed all of these people."
Everyone listens to one Leng one Leng of, don't know as well is what kind of receive a noodles person.
Leaf Hao the sky order everyone to pull corpse together and right on the spot burn.The tube takes Li Tian's joy to say:"Wo the person's long knife is very sharp, can collect."Leaf the Hao point in the sky nods.
Luo being public to come forward, come out Qian Wu's collection of those Human bodies first, then chase a corpse together, ordered a fire in front of the Ya.Fresh corpse not burn, still Zheng Long take some firewoods throw into just burn.
Li Tian's joy puts together the silver searched, unexpectedly has 231,002 and looking at silver not to know how to does.
Leaf Hao God's way:"Today this county beginning to suddenly arrive, have never thought respect, these silver not are public fundses, is a Zang style also not know that who bitterness is main.Everyone divided Ba, hereafter good stem!"
It is public and a burst of to shout.The in the minds all say:"This county makes not really general, the first sky allows and then has this kind of good matter and sees to follow him to greatly have an advantage!"Everybody unexpectedly divided 202 silvers, receiving of enough quite a few year Lu, so everyone smiles happily.Was rich to handle affairs so much, the owners all came to spirit and looking at a leaf taste of Hao sky also Be getting more different.
Leaf Hao the sky take out from the bosom 10,002, order Wang Ji:"You look for person, take these silvers arrive a nearby various county to purchase a food and issue to common people, as long as come to city in settle down, everybody gives out food 100 catties."Wang Ji nods to promise and has already got a few Ya services to go.Leaf Hao the sky order everyone to help together.The food is a square one, have food just can meet together common people, have common people just can with one mind join force.100 discard to need an interest, have to first someone.
In the evening is treating as he is preparing to lift to review that Japanese invaders, Zheng Long runs to come in to say:"Adult, that Wo person bumped a wall to die!"
Leaf Hao the sky is inching a surprised, immediately say:"Died and then died, had already dragged out to burn!"
Leaf at the mid-night on that day Hao the sky live in the county house inside the Ya under, inside the house also break to leak unbearable, only have a few houses still complete.
The orchid son unexpectedly found out a pot, there are also a few rices, then in the kitchen Tao the rice start to make rice.Leaf the Hao nothing important matter in the sky, build a fire to keep her company before cooking stove.There is no light in house, good at leaf Hao the sky no longer need a light, the orchid son even doesn't need.However when the flame of cooking stove bottom flees out, inside in the house was still full of shining, seem to be particularly warm more in this cold and dreary county Ya.
After two days, large numbers of foods are since nearby each county carried.Leaf Hao the sky order everyone to put food outside the county Ya front door.He lifted a pen to write public notice piece:"From this very day, any going into city to settle down everybody can get food 100 catties and close to 50,000 people;Help one who builds city, everybody monthly silver 32."Combine to let everyone is widely Zhang Tie , make each common people of village all know.
Everyone saw a public notice gape, this wanted how many silvers?
Wang Ji Zhou eyebrow way:"This city wants to construct to complete and needs 2,000 people at least, then can complete for six months, list this will 40,002 silvers, and distribute a food,Beats By Dre Free shipping day, 100 catties of 122 moneys that need a silver, 50,000 people are 60,002 silvers.Is Qian Liang in the county all empty, don't know that the adult has good plan?"
Leaf Hao the sky take out 500,002 to pass to him, way:"Hand over to you with full powers be responsible for.The silver that leaves on my Zu has some, this time use here.But I ain't pleased to make open, everyone says to is a courtly appropriation."
Wang Ji didn't already and never connect over in the mind concussion to once see to be an officer like this, which individual isn't that enter not, enter little still don't go.
Just saw public notice, the common people took something with a grain of salt, several individuals came over see, result be still true of, everybody carried on the shoulder 100 catties of foods return to.Rush about after returning to to tell, the immediately after full city common people all came and got the person of food to self-movingly come over a help.The person of nearby top of hill also came down on the second day.Wang Ji has been arranging a personnel to go out to buy a food, the car transporting food increases several hundreds of.Later on several days nearby each country also some people rush through to come over.After ten days, the county city population quickly increases 50,000, the originally all empty house is close-packed now.

The text chapter 31 builds city
Renew time:2008-4-1122:43:22 chapter word numbers:3114

The popularity of the county city has been already had.There is food, the life in the short run also need not worry.The leaf Hao thinks sky now of is how to build city.His current real strenght kills a few Japanese invaderses surely all right, but have to leave a guarantee for the common people of this county, even if oneself in the future not at, common people can also self-moving resist foreign aggression.The city wall of a fastness is good to guarantee.
Wang Ji has already call° together 2,000 people, etc,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift. he to issue order to start work.He but order etc., it climb mountain the owner to adopt a stone, and then send large numbers of personnels to set up kiln to burn brick.
Leaf Hao the sky rounded an original city wall first to walk 1 turn, discovering the city wall is short small, the thickness isn't enough, and incomplete, haven't repaired value.In addition to the west a river that tightly depend a gold can also use, the rests are pushing over to rebuild.
He spends to reconnoitre geography for a day and discover that the county city can extend 1:00 appropriately.Come back later he drew a sketch, assurance Related articles:

