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Mantra sword ,quality has to transfer medium ,nice ,continues to refuel ,I now go to the master that stood up to leave Liu Tian .relationresultBring up the rearto thunder ,publicity the two swords to master dust clouds ,asked : the master and how do you like Uncle they explain this sword .
? Clouds and dust son Zhang Yang to ask him to Zhang Yang said : it is not good to say ,but I think the next, said it was a cloud flies was left to the right ,just because had not previously been found ,this time I found out ,give it to them .
Although this explanation is far-fetched ,but is relatively good view .And publicity to the master said: that is in accordance with the master to do . , relationresultTime in theday by day passes, publicity and Xie soft feeling is more and more deep ,the publicity that Xie Rou did not call his sister ,called Rouer ,but Xie soft still call him publicity, if he is Yang Di ,not only feel uncomfortable, is the publicity was also uncomfortable .
The publicity find Xie soft said: Rouer ,we go too holy mountain to have a look ,so long there is no good to have a look this is holy .Xie Rou heard the publicity to get to the top of the hill ,thought oneself is long time no mountaineering ,so he agreed publicity advice ,and also said that to bring a little .
While little is still sleeping in the prefecture of Yanqing ,if Xie soft surface of the little out but also charges a breath to explain ,thought the Xie Rou told a white lie : little still in my room ,I took him to .
Then he turned and went to her room .relationresultInto theroom after the publicity ,disappeared in the room ,the Yanqing government compound ,little was lying in the colorful stone sleeping next to God ,the little boy is older ,cnn,previously only about publicity palm-sized hair is white ,now have a four or five month old small dog so big brother and fur slowly become some yellowing ,and started off, now a little way ,can be said to be like be plucked a monster .
But the publicity over this ,Xie soft to him with little ,even if the little ugly but also with the past ,the Xie soft how was her idea .Think of this hold little appeared in the room .
relationresultLittlein his sleep, feel to be disturbed ,open the yearning eyes to see who is on the disturb their .See Zhang Yang ,little consciousness and Zhang Yang said : brother ,what are you doing it ,I was still sleeping ,I do not sleep how I grew up .
Zhang Yang felt a little consciousness ,as he said: sleep, sleep, you pig ,only the pig went up, today you accompany me and Rouer ,of course primarily with Rouer too sacred peak .
, relationresultLittlepublicity Rouer heard say ,asks strangely: Rouer is who? My sister ,thanks .relationresultZhang Yang tooklittle to Xie soft room ,said to Xie Rou : Rouer ,my little brings you to have a look .
Xie Rou heard Zhang Yang put the little brought in ,and came to Zhang Yang and said: give me a hug , held little ,when Xie soft hug saw little like this time ,to Zhang Yang is a little angry said : Zhang Yang ,if you don a little ,you also don ah ,you see his hair you have been ripped off so much .
With love in the little hair removal local touch up ,but little on the Xie soft touch is squinting to enjoy it ,google.This publicity to see this little one side to enjoy it ,while she was Xie soft misunderstanding ,then said to Xie Rou : I have no Rouer ,tortured him ,he like this is caused by himself ,he slept, slept for five years ,wake up like this .
I don why ah . With an innocent look Xie soft .relationresultXie Rou saw theplay don like a liar ,he said: that if you had nothing to torment him .Let go .He walked towards the house ,publicity hear Xie soft words into a wry smile to it .
relationresultThiscase has to protect hill big because of Lingyin array ,and is so holy a hillside in the canyon ,usually do not pay attention to the words don think there is a sect .
And to protect hill large array on the Lingyin Zong and hidden role ,usually do not pay attention to words not found there is a sect .Two people out of the case door ,toward the hill road ,two people to play, and therefore did not fly ,two people go up the hill than the fly to more exotic .
relationresultThispublicity was Hill Road on both sides of the scenery attracted ,green mountains and rivers ,trees and a variety of birds ,is really an idyllic scene .The mountain air is particularly fresh .
And publicity feel this mountain aura than halfway to thicker ,if can put these doors to peak ,so in practice should be more well .Just the idea in the minds of the flash, was on the move in the matter not to hope ,he is not the master ,no power to do so .
relationresultTwo peopleso slowly toward the top walk .At the same time ,hear the front through the fighting voice ,two people approached slowly past ,hide the good figure ,and watched the fight both sides .
The two sides fight six ,situation is the four since two ,but the two people of the four seems to be not put in the eye ,then fights the party out of sound is one of the two . Shura door of the rebellion ,and you don die ,on the run ,Facebook,want from me, the blue soul hand away no door .
The sound of people is the blue soul ,only the blue soul why and Shura door people hands-on .Then they heard the Shura publicity the door he said .relationresultThe blue soul ,although we in the Shura door quality is low, but also will not yield to you, today I am playing but I never let you feel better .
With the other three people a wink ,suddenly the four individuals at the same time her face reddened ,momentum becomes increasingly unstable ,the body began to swell up .This publicity at the sight of this posture ,knew what had happened ,he and Xie two soft man hurried out of several hundred feet ,and that the blue soul and him people see them so that they will cause ,but the blue soul and his companions did not give them the opportunity to despair ,at that moment two continuous hit, hit each other the Dantian smashed their reason ,four life in an instant .
While the blue soul to his companions said: few days ,let ,now we have extremely deadly and Shura between the door is already fight both with open and secret means a year ,both sides is to see the other person killed, today we are very lucky, killed four ,if not for the Tiger Hill ,I early in the several years ago to give Shi Shuzu revenge .
With two people flew away .At four bodies or .relationresultAt this time Zhang Yangcaiknow ,the fight both sides is non-polar and Shura door .And it is because of tiger hill .Think of this and Xie Rougan back to the master report this matter .
relationresultThe originalcolleagues novel Star Contest December 1st debut ,more than 100 novel hot competition ,various types of human subjects of colorful, million award flower falls whose home ?Quickly come !relationresultThe originalwebpage game the way the world office * Female beta VIP user exclusive , relationresultThe fifty-fifth chapter of the textdown , relationresultUpdate: 2010-2-512:16:46 chapter number :3112 , relationresultZhang Yang andXie Rou saw no case blue soul and that fewer days after people leaving ,and hurried back to bring the matter to the master dust clouds sub .
relationresultZhang Yangthanked the two soft in the thunder hall met to master dust clouds ,Zhang Yang will just up the hill to see the situation with the cloud of dust that again .Clouds and dust after hearing this son after feeling some fishy .
Since five years ago no polarity and Shura combination on the Tiger Hill Gate raids ,the two relations appears on the surface at least not so bad, now for the past five years ,the two would strike violently . Related articles:

